

I update this page with upcoming events as I plan them, but you are always welcome to book a free consultation with me to discuss your financial planning needs.

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Taxes in Retirement

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
6:00-7:30 pm

Cox Science Center and Aquarium
4801 Dreher Trail N
West Palm Beach, FL 33405


Taxes in Retirement

Thursday, March 28, 2024
6:00-7:30 pm

Cox Science Center and Aquarium
4801 Dreher Trail N
West Palm Beach, FL 33405



Taxes in Retirement

Even when your paycheck stops, taxes won't. Given that taxes are often one's top expenditure, tax efficiency can be critical to a successful retirement. It suffices to say that it is important to understand the role that taxes play and pursue strategies to maximize your after-tax performance.


The presentation will first provide a basic description of the tax code. This overview will explain how ordinary income, capital gains, and Social Security are taxed but also highlight non-tax costs such as Medicare surcharges (i.e., IRMAA).

From there, we will present specific strategies for reducing taxes in retirement, including:

  • Asset location
  • Roth conversions
  • Account-specific withdrawal sequences

The presentation will include examples to illustrate some subtle complexities of the tax code and related pitfalls. For example, how could a retiree in the 12% bracket accidentally trigger a >49% marginal tax rate?

If you would like to put yourself in a better position to develop a robust and tax-efficient retirement strategy, this workshop is for you.


  • Is there a cost to attend? No. There is no cost to attend.
  • Do I need to bring anything? No. You will be provided with a pen and paper to take notes.
  • Will food be served? Yes. We will provide light snacks and water.
  • Will there be a pitch to sell any investment or insurance products? No. The most common feedback we receive is how nice it is to attend a truly educational workshop with no sales pressure.


Please register for this event by clicking on one of the links below or emailing/calling me directly (aaron.brask@aaronbraskcapial.com / 561-972-7165). Thank you!

>>> Tuesday, March 26th: https://www.workshopsforretirement.com/cox-science-center-and-aquarium-3-2661569927
>>> Thursday March 28th: https://www.workshopsforretirement.com/cox-science-center-and-aquarium-3-2861570614

Watch this video to learn about the presenter!